Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Moving Forward

Remember what I said yesterday, or rather what I asked?  About why we do or do not do certain things?  Well today I say, fuck it!  Forget the why, just move forward and do what you're going to say you're going to do!  During a conversation with one of my buddies today, he said never mind with the why's, that's just going to mindfuck us.  Go forward.  Do it! Make a choice to change, make a choice to eat healthier, to go to the gym, go swimming, etc.

It reminded me of that course I mentioned in a previous blog, Thought Patterns (when I used the analogy of planting pretty, positive flowers in our weed infested minds).  In the course, we learned about a progressive type of therapy which does not spend endless hours delving into your past to try to figure out what happened in your childhood that fucked you up so much now.  Instead, they said, okay, this is where you are... let's not focus on where you've been, but let's decide where you want to go and set goals to get there.  They did a study on grade 12 students using this technique and almost all of the students soared through with flying colours!  I am going to dig up my notes from that course and post some inspiring stuff for you all!

So that's it.

Tomorrow I am going to wake up a whole new person!  Because I'm making the choice to be better, to be healthier, to be motivated, spiritual, and progressive.  I'm making the choice to go forward, to meet my goals and to get to where I want to be.  I hope that is one journey you will definitely choose to take with me!

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