Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Malfunctioning Seeds in my Ears Proving Mind Over Matter

Good evening everybody!

Here is an update on how I am doing. I have gone to two sessions of aquafit (yes, I am the youngest person there, but those elderly ladies are lovely and incredibly helpful. I've already had two of them give me pointers on how to do the exercises!). I've also been going on dog walks with my dad and Sasha, his cute, furry companion (my dad would be totally lost without her. She has become quite attached to him since my mom passed away. The two of them just dote on each other all day long! It's very comforting <3 ).  Some days we walk around the track at one of the local parks, or we go for walks in the neighbourhood conservation area. It's quite lovely!

And yes, it has paid off! As of yesterday, I am down a total of 8 lbs (I decided to stick with pounds to make it easier.. for some reason, we tend to weigh ourselves in imperial instead of the metric we use daily. How odd... ) since I began my journey three weeks ago. Yay!  I was actually down a few more, but I swear these seeds in my ear are giving me more cravings instead of taking them away!! It's the first time I've ever had them in. My acupuncturist, Jessica, thought auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture) may help me, but honestly, I think I was doing better beating my cravings before they went in!

I have a theory about this. When I began my health journey, earlier this month, the first weekend I freaked out and ate everything ALL WEEKEND LONG! Seriously... does this happen to you? When you have decided to take on some sort of diet (I hate that word) or health regimen, lifestyle change (I love this phrase!), what's the first first first thing you do? Do you get all gung-ho into it? Does it take time to ease into? For me, I do the exact opposite of what I should be doing. I make excuses; I hmmm and huh about it. Knowing my body is going to be going through changes, i.e.: getting ready to cut back on the yummy foods I love - chocolate and breads, all kinds of breads! Plus, about to put it through pseudo-vigorous physical activity which goes against *my* norm, is like an excuse for me to go wild with food, any food! And to rest up before the big game!

I think these ear seeds are working in the same manner for me.  Jessica put these seeds in my ear - they are actually tiny needles bandaged to certain acupoints on my ear.  Your acupuncturist may also tape mustard seeds or seeds from the vaccaria plant to various acupoints depending upon what you're using them for - weight loss, quitting smoking, depression, etc.  The ones in my ear were supposed to help fend cravings, but instead... I ATE EVERYTHING!  haha! OOps :/ I started having cravings for things I haven't been craving so much anymore - like pop and chocolatey things. I don't think it was that the ear seeds weren't working, I think it was that my mind was more powerful and put me back in that phase, like I was getting ready to starve and needed to consume EVERYTHING!  It's like some sort of freak-panic mode. Perhaps it's stemmed from a fear of failing.  Maybe I think I can't lose weight, so I fight it.  Maybe I'm too comfortable in my own skin, that my mind is unwilling to allow myself change, no matter how positive that change may be. The sad thing is that I'm aware I'm doing it - overindulging, but I can't stop myself. I did that for two days then started getting back on track and today, am down the extra few pounds I put on.

What does this prove?  Other than I lack discipline, or I'm just freaky....?!  Our minds are such intricate engines.  They can make us believe all sorts of crap.  They can really mess us up and hold us back from greatness!  So what do we do about this?  Plant seeds!  I have that image in my mind... (screw the engine analogy, let's talk gardens!).. we may have many weeds in our minds which have grown because of negative experiences in our lives. Unfortunately, those weeds are here to stay, but they don't have to take over. Let's stop the weeds from growing before their overgrowth controls us. Let's start planting some flowers, some lovely, bright, colourful, positive-energy radiating flowers!  Let's start planting positive thoughts in our minds. From now on, before you go to sleep, I want you to write down three positive things that happened today, or that you did today.  It could be anything. Any three good, positive things about your day today.  I'll start.

  1. I had a productive day at work and was able to tick a few things off my to-do list
  2. My brother called to ask me to babysit my 5 year old nephew for 5 days while he goes away for work. It's going to be a tremendous amount of work because my nephew is exceptionally precocious and active active active! But... I get to hang out with the cutest kid for 5 days.. yay! 
  3. I'm happy! I'm happy I have this opportunity to reach out to you and share my experiences with you, and I look forward to us continuing this relationship and continuing to share our experiences and learn from each other
  4. I have to add in a fourth, just thinking of some of the people I've spoken with the past couple days. People love to share. I think we don't often appreciate the generosity of people who may be pseudo-strangers to us but who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences with us and just try to help us for the sake of helping! Kudos to you! 
  5. *edit* I just remembered.... Christina, RMT of  Alternative Healing Massage Therapy is joining me in my Cut for Cancer!  That's two ponytails now!  I'm still working towards getting 6-10 in total... so remember.. if you want to join us... let me know! 

Wow. That felt great to make it a point to state that.  I really feel a little lighter from writing that down. That's one new seed I've planted :)  Now you try it and let me know how it works for you!

Good night dear friends.

PS: I heard that weed analogy years ago in a positive thoughts course I did. I hope it works for you!


  1. Um..i tend to eat everything in sight when I'm watching a flick or reading a good book
    : o
    And then there is a few odd nights i wont have much but a garden salad and garlic bread-

    3 positive things about my day..?

    I did sleep in until 3pm today and got some much needed rest-since the night before i was up till 6am watching the Dark Knight bad

    Saw a good friend Moanna earlier in the evening,since she got back from her vacation-
    not sure if her name is spelled that way though- : P

    I went over to Robson & Granville to the local retail stores for shoes and shirts- i was long overdue for some new ones.

    1. Mmmm I haven't had a nice salad for a couple of days but it feels like forever! I need my veggies!

      hehe Rodney, I'm glad you got some rest. Isn't it funny how sometimes we've known people for so long but have no idea how to spell their names!

      How did the shopping go? What did you end up buying?

      How does it feel listing your positives for the day?

      Which reminds me... I've got to get back on track!
