Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Inspiration and Energies

Today I had the first person, who is almost a stranger to me, tell me that my blog inspired them! Yay! What an amazing feeling! I hoped that my experiences, my words, my thoughts/advice, etc., wouldn't just engage people and create dialogue, but that it would inspire people to move forward, take action, make goals, and accomplish the shit out of them! That's what I hoped and continue to hope for, that we can work together, be accountable to each other and become the amazing people we know we can become.
I'm so excited that I was able to inspire someone I didn't know to do this! I mean, sure, some of my real life and online friends are following and commenting on my blog, but we inspire each other all the time, but a stranger saying I inspired them... that's awesome! I hope I can motivate more people along the way 

Interestingly enough, I also had an awesome motivating conversation with one of my buddies today, and another incredible conversation with a new client I've never met before.  Energies.  Our energies attract who we need to, when we need to, to get what we need when we need it.  Life works in mysterious ways, my friends!  Keep on trekking, and put that positive energy out there and it will come back to you! <3 

Moving Forward

Remember what I said yesterday, or rather what I asked?  About why we do or do not do certain things?  Well today I say, fuck it!  Forget the why, just move forward and do what you're going to say you're going to do!  During a conversation with one of my buddies today, he said never mind with the why's, that's just going to mindfuck us.  Go forward.  Do it! Make a choice to change, make a choice to eat healthier, to go to the gym, go swimming, etc.

It reminded me of that course I mentioned in a previous blog, Thought Patterns (when I used the analogy of planting pretty, positive flowers in our weed infested minds).  In the course, we learned about a progressive type of therapy which does not spend endless hours delving into your past to try to figure out what happened in your childhood that fucked you up so much now.  Instead, they said, okay, this is where you are... let's not focus on where you've been, but let's decide where you want to go and set goals to get there.  They did a study on grade 12 students using this technique and almost all of the students soared through with flying colours!  I am going to dig up my notes from that course and post some inspiring stuff for you all!

So that's it.

Tomorrow I am going to wake up a whole new person!  Because I'm making the choice to be better, to be healthier, to be motivated, spiritual, and progressive.  I'm making the choice to go forward, to meet my goals and to get to where I want to be.  I hope that is one journey you will definitely choose to take with me!

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Commitments overpowered by Cravings

Today I'm not just feeling like my diet hasn't been that great, but I'm finally admitting that I'm just not committed to it.  Why?!  Why can't I be healthy?  Many reasons, probably some I am unaware of.  When I consider it, I think today's junk food session was caused from exhaustion and starvation, and by 'starvation', I mean I had not eaten since noon (for over 5 hours which is really bad, because we know that we have to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, right?  I will write more about why soon, from a biological, cellular perspective).  I only slept 3-4ish hours last night. I find when I don't sleep much, I crave junk.

But let's get back to commitments. How many times have you started a new lifestyle change, but never wholly committed yourself to it, and gave up, or didn't follow through to the best of your ability?  How many failed diets have you gone through?  How many successful ones?  Let's hear successful stories!  However, without knowledge of the unsuccessful ones, how will we relate to failure?  Not all attempts can be successful, but what do you need to do to change that?  What will it take to really make a commitment to something, and stick to it until you reach your goal?  What do you need in order to make this happen?

If I ask myself these questions, my answer is... I don't know.  That's my homework.  Something to really think about, and while I do, I will be better.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Cravings and A Little Help From My Friend

Yesterday I was really craving coca cola. That's my one big craving for the past year. Well, chocolate also, but that's a given!  I've cut back my chocolate intake quite a bit since Christmas. I've cut back on pop also but sometimes I still get overwhelming cravings for it. I had such a craving yesterday and almost fulfilled it, but my coworker, Irena, talked me out of it!  And so far so good! It's nice to have people who've got your back. Thanks Irena :)

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Malfunctioning Seeds in my Ears Proving Mind Over Matter

Good evening everybody!

Here is an update on how I am doing. I have gone to two sessions of aquafit (yes, I am the youngest person there, but those elderly ladies are lovely and incredibly helpful. I've already had two of them give me pointers on how to do the exercises!). I've also been going on dog walks with my dad and Sasha, his cute, furry companion (my dad would be totally lost without her. She has become quite attached to him since my mom passed away. The two of them just dote on each other all day long! It's very comforting <3 ).  Some days we walk around the track at one of the local parks, or we go for walks in the neighbourhood conservation area. It's quite lovely!

And yes, it has paid off! As of yesterday, I am down a total of 8 lbs (I decided to stick with pounds to make it easier.. for some reason, we tend to weigh ourselves in imperial instead of the metric we use daily. How odd... ) since I began my journey three weeks ago. Yay!  I was actually down a few more, but I swear these seeds in my ear are giving me more cravings instead of taking them away!! It's the first time I've ever had them in. My acupuncturist, Jessica, thought auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture) may help me, but honestly, I think I was doing better beating my cravings before they went in!

I have a theory about this. When I began my health journey, earlier this month, the first weekend I freaked out and ate everything ALL WEEKEND LONG! Seriously... does this happen to you? When you have decided to take on some sort of diet (I hate that word) or health regimen, lifestyle change (I love this phrase!), what's the first first first thing you do? Do you get all gung-ho into it? Does it take time to ease into? For me, I do the exact opposite of what I should be doing. I make excuses; I hmmm and huh about it. Knowing my body is going to be going through changes, i.e.: getting ready to cut back on the yummy foods I love - chocolate and breads, all kinds of breads! Plus, about to put it through pseudo-vigorous physical activity which goes against *my* norm, is like an excuse for me to go wild with food, any food! And to rest up before the big game!

I think these ear seeds are working in the same manner for me.  Jessica put these seeds in my ear - they are actually tiny needles bandaged to certain acupoints on my ear.  Your acupuncturist may also tape mustard seeds or seeds from the vaccaria plant to various acupoints depending upon what you're using them for - weight loss, quitting smoking, depression, etc.  The ones in my ear were supposed to help fend cravings, but instead... I ATE EVERYTHING!  haha! OOps :/ I started having cravings for things I haven't been craving so much anymore - like pop and chocolatey things. I don't think it was that the ear seeds weren't working, I think it was that my mind was more powerful and put me back in that phase, like I was getting ready to starve and needed to consume EVERYTHING!  It's like some sort of freak-panic mode. Perhaps it's stemmed from a fear of failing.  Maybe I think I can't lose weight, so I fight it.  Maybe I'm too comfortable in my own skin, that my mind is unwilling to allow myself change, no matter how positive that change may be. The sad thing is that I'm aware I'm doing it - overindulging, but I can't stop myself. I did that for two days then started getting back on track and today, am down the extra few pounds I put on.

What does this prove?  Other than I lack discipline, or I'm just freaky....?!  Our minds are such intricate engines.  They can make us believe all sorts of crap.  They can really mess us up and hold us back from greatness!  So what do we do about this?  Plant seeds!  I have that image in my mind... (screw the engine analogy, let's talk gardens!).. we may have many weeds in our minds which have grown because of negative experiences in our lives. Unfortunately, those weeds are here to stay, but they don't have to take over. Let's stop the weeds from growing before their overgrowth controls us. Let's start planting some flowers, some lovely, bright, colourful, positive-energy radiating flowers!  Let's start planting positive thoughts in our minds. From now on, before you go to sleep, I want you to write down three positive things that happened today, or that you did today.  It could be anything. Any three good, positive things about your day today.  I'll start.

  1. I had a productive day at work and was able to tick a few things off my to-do list
  2. My brother called to ask me to babysit my 5 year old nephew for 5 days while he goes away for work. It's going to be a tremendous amount of work because my nephew is exceptionally precocious and active active active! But... I get to hang out with the cutest kid for 5 days.. yay! 
  3. I'm happy! I'm happy I have this opportunity to reach out to you and share my experiences with you, and I look forward to us continuing this relationship and continuing to share our experiences and learn from each other
  4. I have to add in a fourth, just thinking of some of the people I've spoken with the past couple days. People love to share. I think we don't often appreciate the generosity of people who may be pseudo-strangers to us but who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences with us and just try to help us for the sake of helping! Kudos to you! 
  5. *edit* I just remembered.... Christina, RMT of  Alternative Healing Massage Therapy is joining me in my Cut for Cancer!  That's two ponytails now!  I'm still working towards getting 6-10 in total... so remember.. if you want to join us... let me know! 

Wow. That felt great to make it a point to state that.  I really feel a little lighter from writing that down. That's one new seed I've planted :)  Now you try it and let me know how it works for you!

Good night dear friends.

PS: I heard that weed analogy years ago in a positive thoughts course I did. I hope it works for you!

Friday, 18 July 2014

Homemade Almond Milk with a side of a Polish Change

Good afternoon! 

Welcome to Friday :)

I came across an article on almond milk recently and it inspired today's post. I was going to share the article with you, but I found it too negative.  The gist of it was.... people are straying from dairy, the almond milk market is growing quickly, and we're spending way too much money on "almond milk" which is mostly just water with a tiny bit of almonds in it. Well my friends, that is almond milk! If you are trying to stay away from dairy and you enjoy the taste of almond milk but don't want to buy it, then why not make it?

My blog's first guest (yes, that's right, my blog will have guest appearances on it! I've spoken with several people in the health, wellness and beauty industries, asking them to be make guest appearances on my blog or be guest bloggers. Basically, I thought it would be awesome if we hear from people around the community who can share information with us via interviews, videos, etc.) is Nadia Capetola, hairstylist extraordinaire, owner of HBS Spa Life and long time friend. I thought of her and her organic, homemade almond milk when reading the article and asked her if she would share her recipe with us.

Now, we are all supposed to be working today... I mean.. we *are* all "working" today.... I was trying to get Nadia to sign papers while sitting at the manicure station across from her, and while Irena (another of HBS's awesome stylists!) paints her nails.  Yes, it's a fun job, I can't deny it! I asked her to give us her recipe and here it is:

  • 1.5 L of water
  • 1/4 cups of almonds 
Yep folks... that's it! 

Okay, wait, there's more... 
  • In a blender, add almonds and water
  • Blend. Blend. BLEND! 
  • Drink! 
Or... Nadia recommends blanching the almonds first if you want a white almond milk texture, otherwise your milk may come out gritty. She says you can also add honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar if you want some added sweetness.

I asked Nadia how her favourite way to enjoy it was. She replied, "I froth it for my morning chai tea", and rarely do we ever see her without her chai! mmmm chai!

Other uses she recommends with organic, homemade almond milk: have it in cereal, or add cocoa for a yummy chocolate milk. One word she uses to describe homemade almond milk, "Refreshing!"

If you try to make your own almond milk, let me know how it goes!

Before I leave for the day, here are Nadia's nails: 

Enjoy your Friday! 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

..And moments later.. a little bit of a gloomier entry

I checked in on my dad and Sasha (his companion, the cutest little Yorkie Pooh!) earlier. My dad was watching a video he made at an engagement party we threw for one of my cousins back in the day.  First of all, I was blonde and skinny in the vid! Zoinks! (Okay, "skinnier" not "skinny" haha!) Oh, the nineties!

Then my mom walked onto the screen and my dad and I both started bawling our eyes out :(

I miss my mommy :( 

Gloomy Summer Days Pick Me Up!

Today let's talk about nail polish! We've had overcast skies and some rain the past few days so I thought we'd discuss something light and colourful to brighten up our days. When you're in a rut and feeling blah, what do you do? Some of the big things I can think of are to go for a new look - maybe a new hair colour or a completely new hair style. But what about if you don't want to partake in something which may end up being quite dire for a passing mood, or you just don't have the time... then how about a polish change? Something with pizzazz and sparkle! Maybe you'll do all your nails a different colour? Hey, why not! I feel like now is the time that there are no rules with nail polish. Go crazy!

I chopped down my nails last week - they were getting way too long for my taste, so Nadia, owner of HBS Spa Life, painted my nails for me today. I was having a bit of a blah day and was feeling quite tired. She painted my nails and sent me home from work early! :D 

She used a base of Breezi blue, then topped it off with Monet glitter. She painted my accent nail Pixie Dust Vega (by the way, I call Pixie Dust polishes, "Glitter glue nail polish"! Seriously, it looks like someone just dumped glitter glue in the bottle! It's AWESOME!). What do you think? Funky and fun?! I'm happy with it! Next week we'll try one of Zoya's other summer colours. How about you pick the next combination of colours for me!? ;) Let me know what you've chosen. Here are some of Zoya's other summer colours: 

What type of nail polish do you use? Do you have a favourite? I was discussing polish colours with one of our clients. She wanted to purchase a new colour and couldn't remember if she owned that particular colour. She said *ALL* her colours always end up being pinks! Many of which are the same pink! Does this happen to you? I used to be like that as well. I used to be hung up on shades of reds and oranges, now I'm throwing caution to the wind and trying anything! Let loose, my friends... I dare you to try out some funky colour combinations and post your pics so I can see!

Before I sign off for the evening, I also wanted to discuss with you what goes into your polishes. Have you ever looked at the ingredient list? One thing about HBS Spa Life which I really like is that their product lines tend to stay away from harsh synthetics. For example, Zoya polishes do not use toxic ingredients like toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin and DBP (dibutyl phthalate). Check your bottles to see what you're putting on your nails. If you do find any of these ingredients, try to find a local company to you that provides more natural lines like Zoya, or visit their website here to find a dealer near you. If you are in the GTA, then I hope you come in and visit me at HBS Spa Life to see which colours we have on our shelves!

See you soon!

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Let us Delve into the Why’s, How’s and Wherefore’s...

Why am I writing this blog? Since my mom died of breast cancer last May, I had been pondering starting a blog to discuss all the emotions and stuff I was going through, but I didn’t really have the focus, nor did I think anyone would find it interesting. But then, a couple of weeks ago I got the idea for this blog. Well, initially I was thinking of writing about growing my hair to donate to help make a wig for a cancer patient (did you know it takes 6-10 ponytails to make one wig?!).  I’m currently working at a salon spa and I thought it would make for a fun way to connect with our clients on Facebook. After discussing the idea with a colleague, he suggested I also blog about my journey into getting healthy.  Now, I’m going to have to backtrack a bit…

I went back to school in 2006, became an anxious eater, and gained 35 kg (75 lbs) over a five year period. I lost 13 kg (30 lbs), but gained back 9 kg very quickly after my mom passed away.  Now I’m trying to get healthy for many reasons – the big one being to try to keep cancer at bay!  Being overweight or obese leads to increased risk for many cancers, including breast cancer.  Read more information about how female and male obesity can increase risk of various cancers here.  

Now I’m growing my hair and shrinking my waistline!  I’m a biology student, so I would like to think that I know something about good health! Remember grade 11 biology? Macromolecules! Yep, we’ve all learned how macromolecules (proteins, triglycerides [fats], carbohydrates [sugars] and nucleic acids) break down and affect our bodies at a cellular level. Perhaps through this blog I’ll remind you if you don’t remember!  Haha!  I am actually studying to be a biology and general science teacher, so hopefully I am able to share qualitative data with you on how to get healthy.  

Knowing how is completely different than doing, though!  Do you have this issue also? I’ve worked out in the past with several trainers, all specializing in different areas.  Between that and studying biology you would think it’s easy to stay in shape.  Well, it’s not! Especially if you’re an emotional/stress eater like me.  I hope that on the health and wellness side of this blog we can work together to tackle our overindulging/binging/emo eating demons. I find the important thing isn’t just knowing when and why we eat, but trying to stop the negative behaviour altogether.  Easier said than done, but let’s stick it out and we *will* do great things together!

Now that we’ve done the wherefore of the blog, let’s go on to the how. How? I’ll write stuff I hope you find it interesting and maybe you’ll be able to connect with me on some level and share stuff with me as well.  I’m hoping we can share ideas, feelings, comments, workouts, recipes, hairdos, skin care tips, motivational thoughts/posters, everything from inside out! Well, everything you feel comfortable with sharing! J

I plan to post excerpts from this blog on my work Facebook page as well.  The salon I work at, HBS Spa Life, is supporting me and sponsoring me through this.  I decided that the chop off date for my hair will be on my mom’s second anniversary, May 9th, 2015.  On that date, I will be down a minimum of 23 kg (50 lbs).  I set up goals to try to lose weight as healthily as possible, so about 1-2 lbs per week.  To make this fun for my readers, through our Facebook page, my sponsor, HBS Spa Life, will be giving away a product or service every week I meet my goals!!! WOOT! Unfortunately, though, for the moment, we will only be able to give prizes on a local scale – GTA residents (Greater Toronto Area - or anyone who can come by to get their hair done!).  Hopefully, as time goes on, we can expand this area!  Also on that date, HBS is hosting a mega fundraiser with the help of the Canadian Cancer Society.  I’ll put up my Cut for Cancer webpage shortly. I hope you are all able to attend! If not in person, in spirit J

Okay… so that's some information about what you might expect over the next ten months. I sincerely do look forward to gouging out my insides to share with you! Heh, it may feel like that at times, but I’m committed to sharing my emotional and physical journey with you all and hopefully I will be able to create awareness about how we can live healthy lifestyles to try to prevent disease, what it actually takes to make a wig, and how we can become the truly beautiful people, inside and out, that we desire to be. Remember, beauty is a feeling, a sense, pleasures.  It’s who we are, how we got here, and the possibilities of where we can go and who we can become. 

See you soon! 

*Picture is of Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil month

Friday, 11 July 2014

A Preamble to my Life. .. I mean, this Health, Wellness & Beauty blog.
Is it awful if I start by saying I’m not too keen on the word beauty? When I hear it, the words that come to mind are: vacuous, vain, self-absorbed and makeup. Is my perception of the word meaningful? Of course not. Beauty can be anything - a raging sunset against red skies, wild white foaming waters, a smile, a touch, you, who you are, who I am and all that we’ve survived through. Beauty is not just outward appearances - it’s feelings, senses, pleasures. It’s who we are, how we got here, and the possibilities of where we can go and who we can become. 

I welcome you to take this journey with me. Together we will delve into a world of getting healthy, improving our well beings and finding our inner and outer beauties. Through this blog, I hope to engage you in discourse in all aspects of health, wellness and beauty. I will discuss why I have created this blog - I lost my mommy to breast cancer last year - and hope to raise awareness on getting healthy to try to keep cancer at bay, and well, just for the sake of having good overall physical and mental health.
I am currently growing my hair to donate to help make a wig for a cancer patient, and I’m on track to losing a bunch of weight. I hope that together we might teach, motivate, and share our stories. Let’s start exchanging stories, workouts, beauty regimens and healthy recipes. Let’s have fun! There’s no reason why we can’t be happy and have fun on the way to recovery to good health. 
See you soon! 

PS: After writing my introduction, beauty no longer seemed like a bad word! 
Here is a pic of me the day I decided to start this blog - July 4, 2014